If you go ahead and enter your name,
here http://www.babynamer.com/
You can click on the Drawbacks tab and see all the names your kid could be teased with on the playground... Mine range from lame, to awesome.
* Davy the Baby
* Davy Gravy
* "Dave's Not Here" (from Cheech and Chong)
* Slave (shouldn't that be Slavid?)
* Statue of David (I'm... offended?)
* Demented Dave
* Wow David (I actually hear this shocked expression alot...)
* Dave the slave (Dirty)
* David dingleberry (Nice)
* Wave
* Davey Crockett (could you awesome or drive you fucking nuts. Depends on the Dave)
* Crave
* Wavy Davy
* Diddy Dave
* Davey-Do
* Shave (...)
* Davy Duck
* "Gee, Davy"
* Cave (What the hell is with these borderline autistic ones?)
* Crazy Davey
* Dave the Rave
* Davey and Goliath (This is more in favor of me, is it not?)
* Captain (I don't get it?)
And in the "So far beyond unusual, or simply not funny it deserved its own catagory", category:
* Dave-id
* David dog poo
* David loves Mavid
I don't know who this shadowy Mavid figure is and I seriously doubt I love them.
All this trash talk of Dave needs to be offset by something fun...
Let me think....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You know what this means Max...
This is why Conan O Brien is truly hilarious.
Keep the laughs coming!
Keep the laughs coming!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I never really read comic books as a kid.
I watched all the super hero cartoons. I was familiar with and loved all the major mainstream characters a kid should, but never really got into mythology or expanded universe, or even basic storylines. Like most kids I liked Wolverine because he was and always will be awesome. That all changed when I saw Spider-man. My general enthusiasm for the film led me to the magical wikipedia, to learn about Spideys other enemies, stories, and finally Marvel, DC and various companies, covering hundreds of heroes. They were from fairly boring (Superman) to batshit insane(Deadpool). From over rated(Green Lantern) to kind of hated(Aquaman). But there was that one "Hero" that threw me for a loop. I didn't know what to make of him.
According to Wikipedia, the Punisher is "a vigilante who considers killing, kidnapping, extortion, coercion, threats of violence and torture to be acceptable crime-fighting tactics. Driven by the deaths of his family, who were killed by the mob when they witnessed a gangland execution in New York City's Central Park, the Punisher wages a one-man war on the mob and all criminals in general by using all manner of weaponry." This is really interesting. For a company like Marvel that generally carries a lighter subject matter to have a character that condones a single minded need to kill by any means neccesary. He's clearly a dark horse in the Marvel universe: the kind of hero the other heroes try to avoid in the locker room, while he polishes his firearms and applies the warpaint. In the shadow of the Dark Knight and all these complex morals and refusals to kill, The Punishers "could give a shit" perspective is very interesting.
The upcoming film Punisher:War Zone is not the first Punisher film. Most of you will probably recall the Tom Jane venture of 2004, which recieved mixed reception from critics and fans alike. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLzREbcuWnA&feature=related
Even further back the very first Punisher film was made in 1989 starring Dolph Lundgren.
But it's the new Punisher, subtitled War Zone that has me interested. Garth Ennis once said this... "The character of the Punisher 'sees the world in very black and white terms, he solves his problems with utter finality, and his response to any problem: when in doubt, hit back hard." Judging by the trailers of War Zone this is EXACTLY what the new movie captures. Franks family is dead, he's mad, fools gotta pay. From there a very PO'd very deadly Punisher cuts and shoots his way through an army of thugs.
Devin Faraci of Chud.com has this to say... I loved it. Finally, someone made a Punisher movie that is fun to sit through. The movie is brutal and silly and strange and funny and packed with action and madness and more than a little bit of that contemptuous Garth Ennis black humor. A parkour guy gets blown up mid-leap by a rocket.
Frankly it warms the heart to know there's room out there for a hero this brutal. Trailer below.
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